Dutch language: improve your spelling and pronunciation
Tens of thousands of people around the world are helped every day by these four unique and free apps. Their average rating is 4.7★.
all conjugations
“Best of the best! Has all the verbs in present tense, past, future and their conjugation with Ik, Jij, Wij, ..etc. In each tense!! Absolutely amazing!” ★★★★★
“It is absolutely outstanding! It is really smart” ★★★★★
Definite articles
train all “het”-words
“Helps to improve your Dutch” ★★★★★
“love it” ★★★★★
“Easy to use” ★★★★★
Ei-ij words
no more spelling mistakes
“A useful app to quicly check the spelling wen in doubt, like stijl and steil.” ★★★★★
“Genial mugusta mucho” ★★★★★
Horzono: handle time zone differences with ease
“Very useful and well made. Very informative and helpful” ★★★★★
Quickly and visually compare current local time between nearly 10,000 cities around the world. Automatic calculation of time differences between time zones and due to daylight saving time in some countries. Ideal if you travel a lot or work with people in different time zones.
- World clock: Check the local time in five sets of four foreign locations, relative to your city or town.
- Visually compare time zones: easily find the best time for a conference call: when all locations show available.
- Set the available period per location: easily see the overlap with your working hours or early/ late schedule via coloured bars.

FiQu: be smarter with your money

Improve your financial IQ with this free app
Understand where your money is going. Keep an eye on your spending with all your expenses and income in one place. Place your transactions in categories to gain insight into your finances.
Create budgets to see how much you can still spend. And to know how you are doing in relation to your financial goals.
,,Top app! Very easy and practical” ★★★★★
MnemoRep: remember more of what you learn
Visual reminder of study intervals
Memorizing facts requires much time and focus. A structured approach makes this as effective as possible. As a result, all your effort results in the best possible grades.
For instance, it takes time to determine which items to study in the next repetition. And to calculate the optimal interval until the next study round.
The MnemoRep app helps you. Based on your last scores, the next day you should study again is shown. In red if overdue. And the items that deserve the most attention will appear on top of the list.

Vortoserc: every time a unique wordsearch grid

Puzzle endlessly and with your own words

..”This game is very fun 😄 😀 to play so have some fun and play it 😀 when you have the time 😉 to play” ★★★★★
Relaxing word search puzzle fun, with the size, difficulty and word choice you decide. Each word search puzzle grid is made uniquely for you. Enjoy additional game challenges and the ability to add your own words.
GIF Viewer Extra: keep your animations and pictures private
Import your .gif or .webp animations into this app and protect them with a PIN code. This way you can easily give your phone to someone for a photo, for example: no one can see the contents of the GIF Viewer Extra app.
What you save in this app will not be shown in the gallery and will not be accessible to other apps. Your PIN is stored encrypted.
Browse or put the app in slideshow mode. You can also view photos and animations interchangeably. Standard on your entire screen: full-screen mode.
Create as many folders in the app as you want and import single files or a large number combined into a .zip file.