All Dutch verb conjugations you won’t find in a dictionary

It is not easy to correctly spell Dutch verbs. You need to know when a conjugation ends with a -d, a -t or -dt. And if a verb is regular (zwak) or irregular (sterk). Apart from that, there are many exceptions you need to know.
Not only can you enter an unconjugated verb (or: infinitive) or paste it from an e-mail or webpage, but also every conjugation. So not only: “lopen”, but also: “loopt”, “liep”, “gelopen” or “lopende”.
Prefixes in front of verbs are no problem, for instance: “teruggelopen” or “weglopen”. Just enter “liep op” and the app immediately tells you that this conjugation is the single past tense of the Dutch verb “oplopen”. Something you won’t find in a dictionary and can take a long time searching via Google.
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All Dutch grammatical rules and verb exceptions built in
In case of verbs like “doorlopen”, for which there exist two variants that are each pronounced and conjugated differently, you automatically get a choice menu. To help you choose, for each alternative verb the syllable that is pronounced with emphasis is highlighted and a brief description is shown.
For a verb with a partial conjugation, like “regenen” only the valid conjugations are shown. This is just one of the ways this app helps you to deal with the many strange and inconsistent ways Dutch verbs are conjugated. So you don’t have to make these mistakes in your written Dutch anymore.

Apart from all conjugations or verb forms of the Dutch verb you selected, the six Dutch perfect, conditional and future tenses are shown.
Finally, the most important grammatical rules that apply to the verb are shown, like for past tense the: ‘t ex-kofschip rule. This will allow you to better understand how Dutch verbs are conjugated.
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