Introducing the visible and easy to use time-zone comparison and world clock app for Android.
Know the right moment in all time-zones with Horzono! No maps, no tables, no codes or numbers to remember: only the right time of any location on earth. Always.
Without internet connection and not needing access to the location of your phone.
Always know the right time, globally
Pick your location and the places your family, friends or business partners reside, from the almost 10,000 cities and towns in the Horzono database.
View the list with today’s local times for any number of locations you select. Calculated as accurate as possible:
- automatically adjusted for any daylight saving time (DST) rule that might apply per country or province/state
- any time differences between states in a country and even between cities in one state, are taken into account.

Visualize time zone differences of up to 5 sets of 5 locations you select. With the option to:
- view alternative local times: what time should I call from London to avoid disturbing dinner in Sydney? etc.
- select future dates, when local time might differ due to DST period ended or started in the meantime.
Introduction video
Know if Horzono is the right Android app for your travel and global business calls and see a demonstration of the key app functions in only 25 seconds:
Almost 10,000 cities and towns
Easily find locations in the database:
- by city or country namefor larger countries with multiple time-zones: by state or province name
- by airport code (3 letters, IATA standard)
- by country code plus area code of a telephone number (land-line).
Visualize overlap of time-zones
After getting correct local times and understanding how the time-zones of your locations relate to each other, Horzono helps you to easily find the best time-slots to contact your family, friends or business partners.

App functions
The green background behind the time-zone displays of the 4 locations in this example, indicates degrees of overlapping business hours, from 60% (light green) to 90-100% (dark green). Turn the wheel with your finger to quickly check the optimal times to set up calls or virtual meetings between your ‘home’ location (the widest circle) and all three remote ones.
- World clock: check the local time in five sets of four remote locations, relative to your city.
- Visually compare time zones: find the best period for a conference call.
- Set the available period per location: easily see the overlap with your office hours or early/late shift.
- Time conversion: select a future date to see the impact of daylight saving time (DST) changes in different months. Any time differences between states in a country and even between cities in one state, are taken into account automatically.
- Weather information, including sunrise and sunset, for each of the cities or towns you select.
- Unique world map: understand why the time in other countries is ahead or behind yours. And quickly see when it is day or night in the city you want to contact.
- Search locations by country (in your own language!), state, name of the island, IATA airport code or first few digits of the international phone number. More city names in your own language will be added to the built-in database in future free upgrades.
- Dark mode: saves battery life.
- Frequent updates: time zones and DST periods are necessary because of the rotation of the earth but decided by governments. Many expert sources are checked regularly and all changes are included in the app database.
- No internet needed: all times are calculated relative to your own. Just make sure your phone has the correct time. And select a town having that local time as reference location via the coloured home icon.
- We respect your privacy: no access to the location of your device needed.
All about time-zones

Horzono means time zone in the universal Esperanto language.
Time zones are not (only) determined by rotation of the earth but by decisions of over 240 national governments. Therefore, local times shown by this app might not always be perfectly accurate. You can expect periodic updates of this app, free of charge.
Start understanding time differences with ease: get our Horzono app
Free download of our unique Android and iOS visual time zone converter and world clock app below, for your smartphone or tablet.